Technology has slowly been entering into multiple aspects
of teaching and learning. Classrooms are one such space where people are trying
to integrate technology in various ways. Colleges are pushing for the use of
technology in classrooms. For example, in 2007, the College of Engineering at
Virginia Tech made it mandatory for each incoming freshman to own a tablet-PC.
The purpose behind this move was to change the way engineering classes are
instructed at the university. However, at the other end, there are professors
at various universities who are doing away with the use of electronic gadgets
in classrooms. Tal Gross who teaches at Columbia University and Clay Shirky who
teaches at New York University recently banned the use of technology in their
Tal Gross, who teaches public health at Columbia University
recently banned the use of laptops in his classes. He argues when students take
notes using laptops in class, given their fast typing abilities, they tend to
copy down almost everything that is said in the class. As a result, the
classroom does not remain a place for dialogue and conversation anymore, rather
it becomes an “exercise in dictation.”
Gross supports his decision by citing a research study conducted by Pam Mueller at Princeton University and Daniel Oppenheimer at UCLA in which 67 undergraduates were asked to watch a video lecture. Half of them
were randomly assigned to take notes using pen and paper while the other half
was asked to take notes using a laptop while watching the video. After that,
the students were asked to take an exam. It was found that the students who
took notes using pen and paper did much better than the ones who took notes
using laptop on conceptual questions.
A few months before Gross pulled the plug, Clay
Shirky, a social media professor at New York University, banned the use oftechnology in his classrooms. Shirky observed that distractions due to
electronic devices grew over the years in his classes. Moreover, he notes whenever he asks his students to shut down their electronic devices, "the conversation brightens, and more recently, there is a sense of relief from many of the students."
Shirky’s move to ask students to shut down electronic
gadgets was aimed to prevent them from multi-tasking and engage with social
media. He reasons multi-tasking is bad for high quality cognitive work and
cites a study from Stanford that suggests heavy multi-taskers are not good at choosing a task to concentrate on. He further adds “the problem is especially acute with social media,
because on top of the general incentive for any service to be verbose about its
value, social information is immediately and emotionally engaging. Both the
form and the content of a Facebook update are almost irresistibly distracting,
especially compared with the hard slog of coursework.”
Finally, Shirky cites another study that suggests participants
who were multitasking on a laptop during a lecture had lower scores on a test as
compared to those who did not. In addition to that, participants who were in
direct view of another participant who was multitasking scored lower than those
who were not. This suggests laptop multitasking distracts not only the one
who is doing it but also the one who is sitting nearby and can see someone
The above stories suggest technology is not always
beneficial for students in a classroom. Hence, we, as educators, must engage in
enough deliberation before asking students to use technology and electronic
gadgets in classrooms.